Skills Development

Our style is professional, creative, informal and fun. We encourage participants to work with the real work issues and challenges facing them. We draw on a range of tried and tested maps, models and frameworks, together with activities such as participative group exercises, coaching, action learning, 360-degree feedback, case studies and actors in simulations to enable participants to develop greater self-insight and effectiveness.
What we do
We have experience of designing and delivering a wide range of programmes in-company. These include:
- Assertiveness
- Challenging Conversations
- Coaching for Improved Performance
- Competency Based Interviewing
- Consultancy Skills
- Communicating Influentially with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
- Facilitation Skills
- Influencing Skills
- Interviewing Skills
- Leadership Development
- Leadership Development for Women Leaders
- Managing People Through Change
- Managing Conflict
If what you are looking for is not here, please contact us.