Coaching Supervision
"Very few coaches have any supervision, but it is a vital ingredient in effective coaching." (Myles Downey, Effective Coaching).
Our approach
High quality supervision has many benefits and can have a transforming effect for both individuals and organisations. We provide a confidential, challenging and supportive environment where coaches can develop their practice. In addition to the benefits for the individual coach, it can also gives the coach's organisation an increased return on its investment in coaching by providing quality assurance important organisational learning from the diverse coaching conversations that take place.
What we do
We offer regular, transformational supervision sessions for individuals and groups of coaches, mentors and consultants that is:
- Qualitative (to do with maintaining coaching standards, ensuring coaching ethics and adhering to the purpose for the coaching)
- Developmental (to do with enhancing the coach's competence and skills)
- Resourcing (to do with supporting the coach to handle their 'stuff' , e.g. the emotional triggers, internal barriers, etc. that might otherwise get in the way of their being effective).
Read more about coaching supervision.